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Neive - A cosy village in the Langhe
Neive - A cosy village in the Langhe
Neive - A cosy village in the Langhe
E-book50 pagine7 minuti

Neive - A cosy village in the Langhe

Valutazione: 0 su 5 stelle


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This book is an authentic fusion of images and poems such as to recreate an enjoyable visual and emotional journey through the paths of the Langhe. The village of Neive is the area where the authors grew up and became direct witnesses of the conversion and transformation of this magical circle of hills known all over the world and today recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Have a good journey ,dear friends .
Data di uscita22 lug 2021
Neive - A cosy village in the Langhe

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    Neive - A cosy village in the Langhe - Claudio Scanavino

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