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E-book70 pagine44 minuti


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Potrà l’amore universale della nostra eroina Pellediluna, venuta dal Pianeta Ting, il pianeta dai 2 soli, risvegliare il cuore assopito degli abitanti della Terra e sconfiggere le forze oscure del male? La fiaba di Ariel, adatta ai bambini dai 3 ai 128 anni, saprà scaldarti il cuore, portandoti in un viaggio magico alla scoperta del meraviglioso mondo di Ting, per poi tornare sulla Terra e scoprire se gli abitanti sono ancora capaci di amare, di voler veramente un mondo migliore…
Data di uscita9 nov 2012
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Ariel, a warrior of Light and love has incarnated here from the sixth dimension to serve others as a channel for the divine light of our creator. Traveling on the same road of uncertainty and illusion, just like many others, he has been going through a process of remembering who he is and why he has chosen to be here at this time. He has had the opportunity to experience a part of himself that forever altered the way he has viewed himself, and provided a glimpse of his true purpose. Through out of body experiences, healing, channeling, and meditation, he has a deeper knowing of who he is, that is Ariel and why he chose to be here; and that is to serve others in the greatest capacity. He has discovered that writing is an efficient way for him to express his feelings and thoughts. He has a natural ability to channel information and messages in writing from sources outside of his own point of view. These messages always bring joy, inspiration, and understanding to the intended receiver(s). The love he feels from these messages always inspires him to remain a perfect channel for that love, and often helps him help those closest to him. He also uses poetry and drawings such as mandalas, as a better way for him to express the deepest truth within himself, and help others find their own truth. Ariel intends to use his creativity to serve others in even greater ways as time goes on.

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