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A Vegan on Mars
A Vegan on Mars
A Vegan on Mars
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A Vegan on Mars

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An engagement party is under way in a bathhouse. A guy named Alpha falls in love just celebrated the Beltà, but she is promised to another. In the middle of the party, making surprise everyone present, she jokingly kisses Alpha.

Meanwhile a vegan teenager named Bernadeath leaves to smoke, but two boys, Natan and Gin, surprise her.

They would abuse her. Meanwhile, Ontex, the boyfriend of Beltà, seeing the kiss, chases furious Alpha, he would punch him.

Pursued on the beach by Ontex, Alpha sees Bernadeath in difficulty, she is going to be raped. He decides to help her but she now is too far away. To escape rape she is thinking of something else, her mind is totally detached from reality going up to Mars.

On Mars, however, she will not go alone. She loves Alpha.

Bernadeath and Alpha rediscover a new world, where love is the only way of salvation for humanity.

The reality is totally intertwined to fiction creating another dimension, very similar to ours.

"A vegan Mars" is about love, friendship and redemption.

Start the dream, you're ready for adventure?

Data di uscita2 mar 2016
A Vegan on Mars

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    A Vegan on Mars - Francesco Basso



    Alpha was at the party on the beach that night. A beach resort, along with his friends on a big decorated hall, the windows on the blue horizon. A sunny day, when the spring meets the summer creating a variegated spiral of tastes, colors, perfumes in the air. The smell of life, dancing hormones.

    Alpha was there, with the glass of sparkling wine in hand, in front of a great buffet full of provisions, talking to his friends. The event was a pretext to celebrate the engagement of a couple, miss Beauty and mister Ontex. The girl was the most beautiful since the high school times, she was called the perfect one.

    Her hair was between the blond and the amaranth, she had green eyes, she was slender, tall, sinuous, a flower of a woman of exceptional beauty.

    Instead Ontex was not a shiny one, he was the classic high school bully. Colossal shoulders,pointy physique , rough, with a sneer on his face, he was too athletic, looking to cause a sensation on the damsels and get an appearance of power, he was an ape-like peacock.

    It was a gorilla who strutted, but always a gorilla.

    At school everyone feared him, he beat people.

    Alpha had always loved Beltà, who wouldn't like her?!

    Perhaps Alpha is really in love with, like those classic adolescent crushes.

    The building is full of people, most of the College: friends, acquaintances, gate-crashed, scroungers.

    A strong buzz, the incessant chatter of myriad of breaths crashing against the walls in unison. Suddenly, a rattling from a glass. The spoon banging wildly on the glassy surface, it is Ontex, who seeks to draw the attention of those present.

    Attention, ladies and gentlemen, friends, all of you. Need to talk to you. Can you hear me? First, I am glad for your presence, you have been dear to come.

    A chorus of Thanks stands out in the Hall.

    Alpha thought to himself: as long as you eat for free it is always a pleasure to come.

    I must tell you a solemn news-says Ontex- on June 30th my beloved Beltà and I are getting married ".

    Gasps, exclamations, swarm of rumors spread wildly.

    Everyone's invited-so the bully ends the phrase, while his words slamming drunk get among the thousands of guests’ gossip and phrases. Ontex can’t stand up, he's pretty tipsy.

    Did you expect it, Alpha?-asks Susan, a classmate, his mouth trembling, nervous.

    I don't know what's surprises you so much and how you can be surprised by a story that was already in the air. Two lovers, it is normal then later they ... .


    He fails to complete the phrase, and not because of the pretzel stuck between his teeth prevents him from speaking, but because he is clearly and hopelessly moved.

    Are you still in love with Beltà, right? -asks the friend. But come on, that's silly – he reacts unnerved.

    Ah, the classic reaction of that who hides reality and tries to hide it by pretending that he didn't care about. I know you love her.

    So what? No, she is not in love with me. Getting married soon, amen "-saying that he gobbles the wine, he pours some more and he force-feeds with two pretzels.

    Love will make you obese, you'd better accept it-warns Susan smiling with some drops of warm wine on her lips.

    If I hadn't accepted it by now I would have eaten the table.

    Alpha, back to the crowd, his face so far towards the pretzels, turns and sees her, 20 meters away.

    He sees Beltà.

    Shiny, a white dress, long hair tied with a Purple Ribbon, beautiful. He fixes her, she's wonderful-he thinks. The wine he just guzzled thickens in the esophagus and turns into some shards that gut his stomach. He loves her, he has always loved her. Expressionless, impaled as a commemorative sculpture of Elvis.

    hey? Are you there? -Susan asks breathlessly.

    Alpha ha gots two friends he cares especially, he really loves and trust them blindly. One is Bernadeath, which now will be smoking a cigarette outside on the rooftop, since she smokes a lot, and the other is Susan. The latter is blonde, lean, medium height, nice body, nice person, despite this Alpha has never hit on her. And not because he doesn't like her or can't find her cute, it is just because his mind is slave of the image of Beltà.

    His love, so to speak, platonic.

    Alpha can you hear me?.

    He continues to look dazed the reason of his suffering heart. Susan is curious and a bit worried trying to figure out what was so upsetting her friend. She turns in his direction. Now she understands.

    Ah, ok. I understood everything. Now you are in another dimension. I leave you alone, I would not disturb you-and she goes away with an ingenue laugh.

    That human statue continues to look intently at insistently at the woman betrothed to another.

    Hello Alpha.

    Alpha wakes from his numbness. He has been called in a so dry, almost abrupt way, took back to today's world. He turns to see who has aroused him.

    To recognize who is that damn person that uttered his name into his right ear and brought him back to reality.

    Oh, it’s you Natan

    Natan is the first of Ontex best friends.

    Hi Alpha, do you remeber Gin? – Natan says indicating a grouchy man on his right. Gin is the second Ontex's best friends.

    Hi guys, how are you? Gin, of course I remember -he knew him by sight in high school, he wanted not to remember him as all of Ontex’s friends, he hates them, especially him, the Gorilla .

    On the other hand, it is quite normal, he took away the love of his life, this second Alpha. Nathan is a handsome guy, blond, dressed in black, bold, big bully. Gin instead is fat, ugly, greasy. As body size, being compared, the duo recalls Laurel and Hardy.

    No, said Alpha- not that great -responds, without thinking about it. Natan is amazed by that dry response, he is surprised and incredulous.

    Alpha-No, I don't like it because I think that in one month the party will be much more beautiful-and gives a big smile.

    Natan sighs and says, among laughter: Ah, ah, you scared the life out of me! So I like you, bravo! It is true, this banquet will be nothing compared to the after. I mean, compared to marriage, of course .

    Gin laughes after Natan, he is not very spontaneous. Ah, ah, ah, ah-the couple roars with laughter.

    Alpha has murky thoughts: Damn, all pigs, cracked! Scum, snobbish, smelly cheap perfume filled, full of good intentions just as poor. I take it, you are empty. Empty! .

    He doesn't look like he really has in mind these words, he hides it well even if Nathan feels he is uncomfortable and even knows why. The whole world knows.

    Alpha’s crush for Beltà is a commonplace. A thousand love letters, looking to conquer her, some flowers. But always in vain. You know, love is not always repaid. He never resigned, then, some months ago the final stroke. He had heard by his friend Susan that Beltà had confided in her and told her to feel something for Ontex. Then the two approached, until today. Alpha's heart was destroyed.

    Say he is madly in love it's too little, he is just mad.

    While Nathan and Gin continue to sneer the guy continues to stuff himself with sandwiches and pizzas. He eats voraciously. Some more wine and finally addressing the two: But... where's Susan?.

    Your friend? the one who was with you before? - Natan asks. Yes, her.

    I think she's gone-the blond one looks around motioning to Gin to take a look, too. Then pointing: no, she's there. She Is dancing .

    The dance floor, 60 's music, timeless, eternal years. Dancing, joking, having fun. Time seems not existing.

    A day of celebration, a day of joy for everyone.

    Too bad a small cockroach can ruin this unforgettable day, even if only emotionally and internally. Even if his frustration is not visibly palpable, we understand that Alpha is dissatisfied. He is not having fun like everyone else. Gin: You look bad, it's not that you don't like pretzels?.

    How did you figure that out, said the sad boy with a semblance of irony-I'm eating a lot of them just to finally find the one that I really like.

    Hi Alpha.

    Suddenly he hears a call. He turns slowly, excited, so as not to ruin the moment. It's Beltà.


    Bernadeath that day was smoking frantically out there, on the top floor of

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