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Third-type machines
Third-type machines
Third-type machines
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Third-type machines

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From a fogotten past, the last Turing test. Maybe the most important tribute, by a visionary genius.

There are three types of machines. The first can get solving problems of high complexity also if moderately innovative.
Instead,the machines for thinking at the service of a corrupt power, belong to the second category.

Alan Mathison Turing
EditoreDave Blue
Data di uscita13 feb 2017
Third-type machines

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    Third-type machines - Dave Blue



    There are three types of machines. The first can get to solving problems of high complexity also if moderately innovative. Instead, machines for thinking the service of a corrupt power, belong to the second category.

    Alan Turing

    The brown-dressed man was looking in the mirror behind the bar. The reflected image seemed to interest him much more deeply than the drink he was holding. He lent an entirely superficial attention to attempts to OT to converse with him. Now the affair went on for about fifteen minutes when he finally decided to lift the glass and drank a long sip. If you fill of alcohol then you will not realize their presence.OT said. The brown man dressed deviate his side look to OT, I go back to pick up the glass, tilting it, and downed another swig. The ice cubes slid down toward his mouth. I'll be back to support the glass on the red-brown wood and motioned to the bartender to return to fill it. Finally, pull a deep breath and fixed OT. I become aware of who I should apologize? I wonder. OT: Perhaps one was sitting right next to you just now! He said blinking several times with eyes somewhat glassy. She has just gone out. You mean did not you notice? The man in brown purpose before paying the new glass, and then replied:  what? His voice was a mixture of boredom, disgust and reluctant interest. Who came? What did I tell you ten minutes on this part? Did not you hear me? Of course I heard. That is to say ... yes. You were talking about ... cars, radio something like this .. No, not exactly. I was talking about machines. All this talk will not help if you do not listen. Or maybe, then, it is the same. The trick would be to introduce, first, with concrete evidence. convincing evidence, of a type that so far nobody has been able to procure. You're a journalist, right? From behind the glass he was holding, the other nodded reluctantly. Then you should write all this on your newspaper. I want everyone to know. The whole world. It's important. tremendously important. She explains everything. My life will not be safe as long as I did not turn this information, getting people to believe it. Why   would not your life be safe? Because of the machines, stupid.They have occupied almost all the strategic roles and are dominating the world. The brown suit man returned to sigh. Then you also have my newspaper, he objected. So, I can not publish anything they do not like. Oh, this I had not thought, OT said , contemplating the bottom of his glass, where two  ice cubes were welded together. Anyway, they are not omnipotent. I'm sure you must be vulnerable, why  otherwise they would have remained in hiding? Fear of being discovered. If the world had of convincing evidence .., look, people always believe what you read in the newspapers. you may not ... Ah, he cried the man in a brown suit, in a tone full of meaning. OT sadly drummed his fingertips on the bar counter and muttered: There must be a way. Maybe if I drank another shot ... The brown-dressed man sipped his collins, which seemed to stimulate him. What's all this about machines? He asked OT. Suppose you start again from the beginning and tell me everything again. Or  can not you remember? Of course I remember. 

    ROB: I think you are aware that many years have passed since the withdrawal of the models most advanced humanoid robot. 

    OT: Certainly, I studied history in school. I think it is something that happened two centuries ago. The robots had reached a level of intellectual capacity comparable to that of humans.

     ROB: And just so. There was not a sector of the economy which were not used. In factories, construction sites and even for typically human roles, such as in care and supervision services. Fortunately, however, the humans rebelled against this type of economy, and managed to restrict their use. 

    OT: It's been a long time since then, and things have changed dramatically for the better.

    ROB: Definitely they have changed, but I would not say for the better.

    OT: What do you mean? 

    ROB: The robots of that historical period, were machines of the first type.

    OT: machines of the first type ?, I do not understand. 

    ROB: conceptually very similar machines, to those described in old science fiction films of the twentieth century. Physically they were distinguishable by humans. In fact, they had a metal anthropomorphic body structure , with arms and legs operated by nuclear batteries. The system's control center resided in the head, and it  was based on a primitive electronic silicon technology, leaving the market hundreds of years ago. Machines were rather rudimentary, but were able to perform also the tasks of high complexity, usually reserved to human beings. There were humanoid machines in restaurants, directing traffic, offices, in short, everywhere. Not only they could perform the same tasks of a human being, but often they got some results even better. All of course, with great satisfaction of their owners, who could count on a secure workforce, reliable and above all without the ethical limitations which were applied to humans. 

    OT: But all this is part of a world that no longer exists. The machines of the first order or whatever you call them, on the planet are prohibited by law from  immemorial time. 

    ROB: I call the first type machines, and it is not my definition. 

    OT: Are you kidding ? I dont´t have a very great scientific culture, but I do not think it makes sense to speak of the first type machines. However try not to be paranoid because, even if someone wanted to reintroduce them into society, we could to find them easily. The robots as advanced and proficient in performing human tasks, are subject well-defined and distinct from humans. It is impossible not to recognize them. The world does not run any risk. There is no plan against humanity .no plot. Your concerns are totally unfounded and paranoid. So he says, continuing to sip his whiskey. 

    ROB: The machines are among us, and the demonstration is the fact that the world has stopped progressing for some time. Over the last hundred years,  nothing substantially changed. Everything remained the same as before. No innovation, no discovery, the problems facing human being have remained the same for a time, perhaps worse. Sometimes I wonder how compatible the survival of humans, with the current conditions of pollution and degradation. Even the news spread by the media, seem to be repeated periodically. How can not you notice? 

    OT: I'm a journalist, do you really beleave that a such a situation would  not appear clear to m ? We live in a period of relative economic prosperity. It's normal to feel bored by the daily routine or by the stability of certain situations. Indeed I believe that the world in which we live today, is the best possible. Think how it was life  only a few centuries ago, for example, in the twentieth century, when humanity was under the thumb of hunger and disease. Technological development has freed us, made us virtually immortal. A small prenatal vaccination, has made us immune from any existing disease or possible. Thanks to advances in bioscience, every part of our body, can be replaced if damaged. We have control over every aspect of our lives. No longer left to destiny. Everything is determined and predictable. Even procreation, which until recently, was a spontaneous act, now is regulated and implemented, only to respond to specific demographic replacement needs. Progress has reached a point beyond which you can not go. This is the best of all possible worlds, the edge of civilization. 

    ROB: No, this is only the culmination of a certain type of civilization. The technology has since made sure of the steps forward, but some of the most effective medical discoveries, seem to be accessible only from a part of the population. There are too many people who do not respond to medical treatment, or have an adverse treatment by the health care system. Moreover crime, wars, pollution are all problems that, not only do not seem to be decreased, but also took the even

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