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Affetto ardente
Affetto ardente
Affetto ardente
E-book63 pagine32 minuti

Affetto ardente

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L'ossessione di Larsson TIGER per la giovane Emily influisce sui suoi affari. La desidera solo per lui. Nel suo trentaquattresimo compleanno sceglie sempre una delle sue ragazze per passare una notte con lui. Sarà scelta Emily? Potrebbe accadere qualcosa di inaspettato ... Emily desidera ardentemente rubare un bacio al bel Larsson TIGER, sperando di attirarlo in una trappola, dove l'affetto ardente può essere la sua prigione.

EditorePet TorreS
Data di uscita28 gen 2021
Affetto ardente

Pet TorreS

Pet TorreS is the pseudonym created by the author with the initials of her real name and surname.The author is a young woman who was born in the interior of Rio de Janeiro. She attended the Fashion Design faculty.However, Pet TorreS has been writing novels since she was 10 years old. In 2008 alone, she decided to pursue her career as a self-published author and expose to the world her beautiful love stories.One of your dreams is to be eternalized by her works.Pet TorreS is also a porter of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus. She came to discover it just a few years ago and these illnesses have shaken up her daily routine to continue writing beautiful novels.

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