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This book is... the end of the World!!!
This book is... the end of the World!!!
This book is... the end of the World!!!
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This book is... the end of the World!!!

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La storia che andrete a leggere è iniziata qualche anno fa, quando, sulla Terra, ancora c'erano i dinosauri.

Poi la civiltà si è pian piano evoluta, cedendo il passo alla odierna inciviltà, e, tra catastrofi annunciate e poi smentite e quotidiane minacce aliene, con avvistamenti di UFO, o fantasiose astronavi con ominidi a bordo, l'umanità è andata avanti. Con un'unica certezza: solo questo libro è... la fine del Mondo!!!
Data di uscita10 lug 2023
This book is... the end of the World!!!

Leggi altro di Natanaele Rullo

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    This book is... the end of the World!!! - Natanaele Rullo


    According to the ancient Mayans, the end of the world would have been in December 2012.

    Luckily, nothing of what they predicted happened, even if looking around I wouldn't be so sure.

    We were talking about December 2012: in the 21st of that same month, Christmas holidays began, and it certainly didn’t seem the best way to start them!

    Poor Mayans! Their too busy calendar did not leave them any choice!

    April 25th was the Liberation Day, and freeing the whole universe from our presence, it might have seemed too excessive (even if right).

    May 1st was the Workers’ Day, and putting them to rest forever, it could have unleashed the wrath of employers. And what about labor unions? What if they got mad too?

    November 4th I would have celebrated my birthday and therefore I would not have been available: going from a party to a tragedy could have caused me serious trauma!

    The only available date could have been the 1st of November, never mind if there'd been more or less dead …

    According to the most important scientists of the world, Mayans were right and we all had to die!

    Ah, these scientists are bearers of bad omen!

    If all of these years I had listened to their theories, I would have died and risen countless times!

    It could be a very strange and misterious celestial’s fault, Nibiru, the tenth planet. That’s a very absurd theory: our Solar System could be characterized by 9 to 10 planets in next to no time … except that Pluto is, at first, declassed as a little wanderer pebble, then it’s called planet again, which has always been its right name.

    Astronomers talk this way, scientists talk that way, but I can say that I’ve got the evidence in my hands which suggests that the end of the world will be waiting for a long time longer:

    1) they assured me that I’d retire after 2045;

    2) in the movie Back to the future, Marty McFly was strolling in the future, and Earth was always in its place;

    3) the specialists guaranteed my father, who underwent cancer twice, another 40 years of life, and it wouldn’t be honest to deceive him and then … to disappoint him!

    We can sleep soundly at the moment ...


    Recently, one of many probes sent on space discovered, in another solar system, a planet similar to Earth and slightly larger than it. To achieve, it takes (according to scientists) a few million years. At the speed of light, of course.

    No agency has currently proposed a guided trip on this new Second Earth, but sooner or later, some slickers will do that!

    One of these slickers will appear on your television screen and, in a now worried, now persuasive, now threatening voice, he will try to convince you to book a trip: Hey, you! Yes, I mean you, sitting on that sofa! What are you waiting for? The end of the world is near, so you have an only one possibility to save yourself: come book a travel on Second Earth in our agency! You can also purchase a plot of building land with an already approved building permit. At all the modest sum of 200.000 euros excluding VAT. Take advantage now! Don’t waste time!

    There’s someone who takes the bait: he accumulates his savings of a lifetime, he sells everything he has. If it does not reach the required amount, he asks for a mortgage from the bank. He happily makes his payment and waits … waits … waits … waits …

    When he’s tired of waiting for it, he decides to contact the agency he payed … it disappeared!

    So the end of the world is really coming for him: with no more penny, full of debts and hit by a heart attack, he finally realizes his dream: he goes to the other world!


    I was waiting for the second half of 2011, then I did an accurate research because I wanted to try to understand who this slicker sower of alarming news or rather terrorist was.

    Until a few years earlier, I would have no doubts, but, after continuous failures, those gentlemen as known as Jeovah’s Witnesses have stopped prophesying misfortunes.

    So who was he? Someone says he was, or at least he called himself The Scientist. After some extensive investigations, I managed to find him and decided to go visiting him for an explanation.

    He lived in a luxorious villa, with shiny marbles and antique furniture. He made me sit in a sitting room in dim light, but which I managed to see furnished with paintings of great value.

    Approaching threateningly, he smiled at me and asked thoughtfully: What’s your problem? I have no problems, Sir I answered but I know you decided that the end of the world will come and I’d like to know something more about it ...

    Halt! he shouted at me I didn’t decide it myself, but a lot of clues suggest that there will be the end of the world!

    And … what are these clues? I asked almost fearfully.

    I’m not obliged to reveal you any studies and research! But do you know how many asteroids are going around the Earth ready to fall on us with devastating effects? Even reading cards, the pendulum, oil traces in the water … See here? The drop opened itself in several directions, so this is for our planet! It’s going to explode!

    Listen, Mr Scientist I started, "you are so convinced of what you are saying, and that you managed to convince other people, and there is no

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