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How to carve your own David - out of the marble: Mens et anima - sanae - in corpore sano
How to carve your own David - out of the marble: Mens et anima - sanae - in corpore sano
How to carve your own David - out of the marble: Mens et anima - sanae - in corpore sano
E-book158 pagine2 ore

How to carve your own David - out of the marble: Mens et anima - sanae - in corpore sano

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Full health and wealth in pure life joy… myth or reality?! Do you wish for your Immune System to roar like a mighty dragon? Do you desire for happiness, health and wealth? Zada serves them all to you… on a silver plate! "How to carve your own David out of the marble" is the most complete practical "Mens et anima – sanae – in corpore sano": the first complete guide dedicated to body, mind and soul! This unparalleled guide will take you by the hand, precise like a surgeon and graceful like a nowadays' "Little Prince"… to lead you towards that dream-life worth living: yours!
Data di uscita31 mag 2024
How to carve your own David - out of the marble: Mens et anima - sanae - in corpore sano

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    How to carve your own David - out of the marble - Zada (Camelia Popescu)

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