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Kilig e Hakeem
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Kilig e Hakeem
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Kilig e Hakeem
E-book212 pagine3 ore

Kilig e Hakeem

Valutazione: 0 su 5 stelle


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Info su questo ebook

Kilig la Spada – parte seconda
I regni del sud non ci sono più, la la gilda degli assassini c'è ancora. Uomini d'onore che non farebbero mai del male a donne o bambini. Saif ha vissuto come taglialegna per 15 anni, ma sul letto di morte chiama il suo ex apprendista, Kilig. L'eredità di Saif, suo figlio Hakeem, lo vendicherà e forse curerà il cuore spezzato di Kilig.
La storia completa dell'amore di Kilig e Hakeem.

Data di uscita23 nov 2015
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Kilig e Hakeem

Barbara G.Tarn

Barbara G.Tarn had an intense life in the Middle Ages that stuck to her through the centuries. She prefers swords to guns, long gowns to mini-skirts, and even though she buried the warrior woman, she deplores the death of knights in shining chainmail. She likes to think her condo apartment is a medieval castle, unfortunately lacking a dungeon to throw noisy neighbors and naughty colleagues in. Also known as the Lady with the Unicorns, these days she prefers to add a touch of fantasy to all her stories, past and present – when she’s not wandering on her fantasy world of Silvery Earth or in her Star Minds futuristic universe. She’s a writer, sometimes artist, mostly a world-creator and story-teller. Two of her stories received an Honorable Mention at the Writers of the Future contest. She writes, draws, ignores her day job and blogs every other day.

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