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I Love Colours
I Love Colours
I Love Colours
E-book83 pagine27 minuti

I Love Colours

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Il libro non è un romanzo, né un'opera autobiografica, ma piuttosto l'espressione di emozioni, una sorta di ordinato "stream of consciousness". Un testo, scritto e grafico, che rappresenta momenti della vita, ripercorsi come dei flash back, guardandosi profondamente dentro ed estrapolando "pezzi di pensieri", sentimenti, in modo che ciascun lettore possa carpire qualche emozione e utilizzarla, in base alla propria esperienza, identificandosi, leggendo all'interno del testo fatti e situazioni, anche diverse da quelle che hanno dato origine al libro. L'obiettivo finale è riassunto nel titolo "Io amo i colori": qualsiasi evento negativo o sensazione negativa, dovuta a come si vive un'emozione, una situazione, si supera con una visione ottimistica della vita, anche nei momenti di fragilità. La volontà è sempre positiva, anche tra le righe più drammatiche, e ciò è supportato dalla struttura del libro, arricchito da alcune foto, catturate in momenti felici della vita dell'autrice, e dalla sequenza dei capitoli, evidenziata da un'immagine ad albero, che, attraverso colori diversi, dà il senso dell'avanzare nella lettura. Le dediche finali ai figli sono l'apice dell'espressione dell'amore.
Data di uscita26 feb 2019
I Love Colours

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    Anteprima del libro

    I Love Colours - Elisabetta Somaglia



    This text, both written and illustrated, where each part has its own importance, has no pretence to become a literary or poetic work, but is simply pieces of thoughts, with a common thread, and, above all, a sole final aim.

    The common thread concerns moments of life lived, by me or by people known to me, read from the inside, like a parchment, slowly unrolled, figuring out the more intimate aspects, that are hardly shared, except to very few people in life. Describing sensations in which everyone can identify, reading inside the text facts and situations, also different from those that have generated the book.

    The final aim is summarised in the title I Love Colours: whatever negative event or negative sensation, due to the way you live an emotion, or a situation, can be compensated with a final optimistic vision.

    Often the superficiality of being constantly happy is confused with optimism.

    Nothing could be further from the truth! The optimist is a person who suffers, cries, despairs, but at the end rises again from negativity, perceives positive aspects and carries on, even with wrong or sad things, taking on teachings to continue living better than before.

    Picture 1

    The aim is, therefore, to be living better, more peacefully by looking at and loving the colours of life.

    I love colours!

    Who I am

    I'm a living being like many others, a female, and, for this reason, subject to all those mental contortions typical of being a woman. I do thousands of things at the same time. I’m content when I’m busy, but I’d like to have more free time. Sometimes I’ve got a thousand things to do and I can’t finish anything: panic!

    I’m a friendly loner.

    I’m a citizen of the World, because I love each little remote corner of the Earth, famous or unknown. I like discovering new spaces, in particular the soul of the places, with their people and their customs. I like feeling a part of the whole, losing myself in a wholeness bigger than myself, where I, a tiny element, amalgamated with the rest, disappear and can freely observe, without being observed.

    I don’t put up with injustice, although I know that, sometimes, the idea of justice is relative too; it’s related to

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