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La Mia Scarpa
La Mia Scarpa
La Mia Scarpa
E-book33 pagine5 minuti

La Mia Scarpa

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Info su questo ebook

Data di uscita28 mag 2020
La Mia Scarpa

Denise Mabee

Denise Mabee grew up in Toronto as a curious person who was always searching for new and fun things to do. It wasn't until the birth of her son, Mitchell, that she began writing children's picture books. Her first book, 'My Shoe', has been published in different languages around the world. It supports the 'I Own It' Campaign which offers participants an opportunity to voice something important about themselves in a safe space and a sense of belonging. As a teacher, she loves reading books to young children and teaching them the skills to become writers themselves. In her spare time, Denise is an avid photographer, world traveller and watercolour painter. 'Go Ahead and Sneeze, I Need Another Shower, Please', is the first in a series of two sneezy books. The stories were written out of a need to encourage her students to sneeze responsibly - especially during a pandemic!

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    La Mia Scarpa - Denise Mabee

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