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Adolf Hitler biografy
Adolf Hitler biografy
Adolf Hitler biografy
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Adolf Hitler biografy

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The origin of evil.
Data di uscita24 set 2019
Adolf Hitler biografy

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    Adolf Hitler biografy - Pietro Pacelli

    Adolf Hitler; Braunau am Inn, April 20, 1889 - Berlin, April 30, 1945) was a German politician of Austrian origin, Reich Chancellor and dictator from 1933, with the title of Führer of Germany from 1934 to 1945.

    Head of the National Socialist German Workers Party, as well as the main creator of National Socialism, Hitler came to power riding on the wounded pride of the German people, after the defeat in World War I and the severe economic crisis that plagued the Weimar Republic. Taking advantage of his oratory skills and the dissatisfaction of the middle classes, he presented a political manifesto steeped in nationalism, anti-communism and anti-Semitism and after various events (failed Putsch in 1923 and subsequent eight months of imprisonment, during which he began writing Mein Kampf) , he arrived at the chancellery in January 1933.

    In 1934, after the death of President Paul von Hindenburg, he was attributed by law the title of Führer and Reich Chancellor, concentrating in his hands the powers of the state and establishing a dictatorship. Thanks to a powerful and effective program of economic restructuring and military rearmament, Hitler pursued an aggressive foreign policy, primarily designed to expand the Lebensraum (living space) German at the expense of the peoples of Eastern Europe. In a succession of acts of defiance to the international community, he came to invade Poland on September 1, 1939, causing the outbreak of World War II.

    Since then Hitler personally directed the military operations, exercising decisive influence strategic decisions and operational management. Thanks to its decisions and its determination the early years of the war were marked by impressive victories, which allowed the Third Reich to dominate much of Europe and seemed to demonstrate the invincibility of the Wehrmacht. However, starting from 1942, with the formation of the powerful coalition of the Anglo-American-Soviet Allies, Germany had to go on the defensive and suffer the increasingly effective attacks of his enemies. Abandoned by the allies, worn down by the constant defeats and increasingly precarious physical and psychological conditions, Hitler refused to surrender and continued to resist stubbornly.

    Head of the millions of dead people, Hitler was champion of nationalist and racist ideology, and a discrimination and extermination policy that affected different ethnic, political and social Slavs, Romani ethnic groups, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, political opponents , members of Freemasonry, prisoners of war, physically and mentally disabled, and especially the Jews. Segregated since 1933 by the social and economic life of the country, Jews and other minorities were subjected in 1941 to a plan of internment and extermination known as the Final Solution, which has been referred to since after the war with the term Holocaust or Shoah. The word genocide was coined Polish Jew Raphael Lemkin in a work of 1944 on the Nazi extermination policies.

    Alois, the father of the future dictator, born in 1837, was the illegitimate son of Maria Schicklgruber and unknown father. He kept the mother's name up at thirty-nine, and then succeeded, probably through a parish priest and a complacent notary, to convince the Döllersheim church and Mistelbach (Upper Austria) to lend him the surname of the mother's late husband, this Johann Georg Hiedler, He died twenty years before that, however, always refused to recognize his paternity. This fact had a brother, Johann Nepomuk. The latter had the surname Hiedler, while in other documents it seems that the name was Huttler. Johann Nepomuk took care of Alois child and many historians speculate that it was the true biological father of the boy. The same fact ordered that Alois became the heir of his legacies. Ultimately, in order to silence all these measures, it is likely that the pastor had deliberately mispronounced the name of Alois, which since 1877 officially became Hitler. Alois Hitler adult then entered as a customs officer at the border of Upper Austria. In his life he had three wives: the first, Anna Glassl, older and affluent him, married in 1873, when he had not changed his surname to Hitler, seceded in 1880 because of his numerous extramarital affairs. The Glassl died in 1883 at the age of sixty and Alois could then marrying his second wife, Franziska Matzelberger, with whom he had two children: a son Alois same name and a daughter, Angela, from which descends Angelika Raubal, the granddaughter which was so dear to the dictator future.

    Hitler's mother, Klara Hitler, born in 1860, from the village of Spital-Weitra. As a teenager he served as a waitress and maid. Since his mother a Hiedler is therefore likely to Alois and Klara were related, so that the parish priest of Braunau am Inn rejected at first the wedding request for reasons of consanguinity. So it seems that the two had had to ask the Pope Pius IX dispensation to marry. Of the six children of the couple Adolf was the fourth child and only son to have achieved healthy adulthood; In fact, the brothers had all died of diphtheria, the first two to two years, Gustav (1885-1887) and Ida (1886-1888), while the third, Otto (1887-1887), shortly after birth; his younger brother, Edmund, survived up to six years (1894-1900). The youngest, Paula Hitler (1896-1960), had rather a moderate degree of mental retardation. In 1906 Klara underwent a mastectomy due to the onset of breast cancer, however despite the care provided by the family doctor Eduard Block died a year later.

    Adolf Hitler was born at 18:30 on Easter Saturday April 20, 1889 in Braunau am Inn, in the Gasthof Zum Pommern (in Italian: Locanda del Pomeranian '), a three-story building in the Biedermeier style of 1826 that the custom house. It is located in the township ( Vorstadt") No. 219, not far away from the place where Napoleon Bonaparte in 1805 had established his headquarters during the war campaign culminated in his

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