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Dorina in the enchanted sea of Capri
Dorina in the enchanted sea of Capri
Dorina in the enchanted sea of Capri
E-book37 pagine17 minuti

Dorina in the enchanted sea of Capri

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What if one day the beautiful Mermaid, Queen of the Sea of Capri, allowed a goodhearted girl to visit the stunning depths of the island? Actually, Dorina had this chance. She left her room by magic and set off on an unforgettable journey down under the sea of Capri, accompanied by a number of nice characters. Unexpected events will not be lacking! Yet, the experience Dorina lives with the little starfish, deserves to be remembered forever! A fairy tale for children where, thanks to fantasy and magic, Dorina will venture in the enchanting blue sea of Capri!
Data di uscita17 apr 2018
Dorina in the enchanted sea of Capri

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    Dorina in the enchanted sea of Capri - Costanza Cerrotta

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