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Il brasiliano
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Il brasiliano
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Il brasiliano
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Il brasiliano

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Il capitano inglese Rotherby si reca a Parigi per cercare l’uomo che è fuggito con la donna del fratello invalido. Una volta consumata la vendetta si ritrova all'interno di un complesso intrigo e contamoraneamente si innamora della bella nipote di un coltivatore di caffè brasiliano, che anch'egli scomoare in circostanze misteriose.
Data di uscita10 feb 2019
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Il brasiliano

E. Phillips Oppenheim

E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) was a bestselling English novelist. Born in London, he attended London Grammar School until financial hardship forced his family to withdraw him in 1883. For the next two decades, he worked for his father’s business as a leather merchant, but pursued a career as a writer on the side. With help from his father, he published his first novel, Expiation, in 1887, launching a career that would see him write well over one hundred works of fiction. In 1892, Oppenheim married Elise Clara Hopkins, with whom he raised a daughter. During the Great War, Oppenheim wrote propagandist fiction while working for the Ministry of Information. As he grew older, he began dictating his novels to a secretary, at one point managing to compose seven books in a single year. With the success of such novels as The Great Impersonation (1920), Oppenheim was able to purchase a villa in France, a house on the island of Guernsey, and a yacht. Unable to stay in Guernsey during the Second World War, he managed to return before his death in 1946 at the age of 79.

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