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Il grande ritorno
Il grande ritorno
Il grande ritorno
E-book67 pagine52 minuti

Il grande ritorno

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Sulle coste gallesi una strana luce fa parlare di sé, mentre una chiesa di un paesino locale profuma improvvisamente di incenso...
Questi fatti apparentemente insignificanti spingono il protagonista, amante del mistero e del “meraviglioso” a recarsi sul posto a indagare. Ben presto scoprirà che in quegli sperduti anfratti del Galles un’antica leggenda ha ripreso vita.
In appendice, un saggio dell’autore sulla leggenda del Santo Graal.
Data di uscita8 set 2022
Il grande ritorno

Arthur Machen

Arthur Machen (1863-1947) was a Welsh mystic and author. Born Arthur Llewellyn Jones, he was raised in Monmouthshire in a prominent family of clergymen. He developed an early interest in alchemy and other occult matters, and obtained a classical education at Hereford Cathedral School. He moved to London, where he failed to gain admittance to medical school and soon focused on his literary interests. Working as a tutor, he wrote in the evening and published his first poem, “Eleusinia,” in 1881. A novel, The Anatomy of Tobacco (1884), soon followed, launching his career as a professional writer. Machen made a name for himself as a frequent contributor to London literary magazines and achieved his first major success with the 1894 novella The Great God Pan. Following his wife’s death from cancer in 1899, he briefly joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and began conducting research on Celtic Christianity, the legend of the Holy Grail, and the stories of King Arthur. In 1922, after a decade of working as a journalist for the Evening News, he published The Secret Glory—a story of the Grail—to popular and critical acclaim. This marked the highpoint of his career as a pioneering author of fantasy, horror, and supernatural fiction whose work has been admired and praised by William Butler Yeats, Arthur Conan Doyle, and Stephen King.

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    Il grande ritorno - Arthur Machen

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