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A collection of fairy tales for children. (Vol.3): Unique, fun, and relaxing bedtime stories that convey many values and inspire a love of reading.
A collection of fairy tales for children. (Vol.3): Unique, fun, and relaxing bedtime stories that convey many values and inspire a love of reading.
A collection of fairy tales for children. (Vol.3): Unique, fun, and relaxing bedtime stories that convey many values and inspire a love of reading.
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A collection of fairy tales for children. (Vol.3): Unique, fun, and relaxing bedtime stories that convey many values and inspire a love of reading.

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Once upon a time... There were mischievous gnomes, sweet fairies, and talking animals who lived happily in the forest. There were also children, princes and princesses, magical flowers, and witches on flying brooms. There were, in fact, enchanted and amusing stories, all gathered in an incredible collection of fairy tales. Add this book to your cart and get ready to fly on the wings of imagination... get ready to dream!
Data di uscita25 lug 2023
A collection of fairy tales for children. (Vol.3): Unique, fun, and relaxing bedtime stories that convey many values and inspire a love of reading.

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    A collection of fairy tales for children. (Vol.3) - Wonderful Stories



    A collection of fairy tales for children. (Vol.3)

    A collection of fairy tales for children. (Vol.3)

    Unique, fun, and relaxing bedtime stories that convey many values and inspire a love of reading.

    Wonderful Stories

    Once upon a time, there was a little bear named Puffy who lived in a big forest. Puffy had always been a very curious bear and wanted to discover the world around him. One day, while playing in the forest, he met a little rabbit named Coco.

    Coco was very shy, but Puffy managed to convince him to explore the forest together. Along the way, they met many different animals, such as squirrels, owls, and foxes. Puffy and Coco were so happy to have found new friends.

    But one day, while they were playing together, a bad storm hit the forest. Puffy and Coco took shelter in an abandoned den, but the rain and wind were so strong that the den began to crumble. Puffy and Coco realized they needed to find a safer place to take refuge. So, together with their new animal friends, they began an adventure to find a place sheltered from the bad weather.

    They walked for days, crossing rivers, mountains, and valleys. Eventually, they found a large cave hidden among the rocks. It was perfect to protect them from the rain and wind.

    But there was a problem: the cave was inhabited by a huge bear who was not happy to have guests. Puffy and Coco didn't know what to do, but they didn't want to go back out into the bad weather.

    So Puffy had an idea. He approached the bear and kindly asked if they could share the cave with him. The bear was surprised by Puffy's kindness and decided to accept his request.

    Puffy and Coco were so happy to have a new friend. And so, together with all the other animals, they spent happy days in the cave, safe from the storm.

    The moral of the story is that friendship and kindness can overcome differences and help overcome difficulties.

    During their adventure, Puffy and Coco encountered several difficulties that they had to face together with courage and determination. At one point during their journey, the two friends found themselves facing a very wide and fast river. They didn't know how to cross it and feared being swept away by the current. Fortunately, they met a very experienced goose who offered them a ride on her back. Thanks to her kindness and help, Puffy and Coco were able to cross the river safely.

    On another occasion, Puffy and Coco got lost in the forest. It was already night and they couldn't find the right way home. Suddenly, they met a wise owl who offered them his help. The owl guided them out of the forest and brought them home safe and sound.

    In addition, during their journey, Puffy and Coco also encountered a venomous snake. Fortunately, they met a clever fox who devised a plan to drive away the snake and protect their friends.

    All these difficulties tested the friendship and determination of Puffy and Coco, but together they managed to overcome them all. These experiences taught them the importance of helping each other and being brave even when things seem difficult.

    During their journey, Puffy and Coco met many different animals, some of whom became their friends and helped them in their adventures. Here are some of the animals they encountered:

    Squirrels: Puffy and Coco met many squirrels during their adventure in the forest. The squirrels were always busy collecting acorns and nuts for the winter, but they were kind to Puffy and Coco and showed them how to find food in the forest.

    Owl: When Puffy and Coco got lost in the forest, they met a wise owl who helped them find the right way home. The owl used his wisdom and knowledge of the forest to guide them out of the forest.

    Fox: During their journey, Puffy and Coco also met a clever fox who helped protect them from a venomous snake. The fox devised a plan to drive away the snake and protect their friends.

    Goose: When Puffy and Coco faced a fast river, they met a very experienced goose who offered them a ride on her back to cross the river.

    Bear: At the end of their adventure, Puffy and Coco met a huge bear who lived in a cave they had found. Despite the bear's initial distrust, Puffy managed to convince him to share the cave with them, and the bear became a great friend.

    These are just some of the animals that Puffy and Coco met during their journey. Each of them added a bit of magic and adventure to their story, and taught them important lessons about friendship and solidarity.

    Puffy and Coco learned many important lessons from their animal friends during their journey. Here are some of the lessons they learned:

    Kindness: Puffy and Coco met many kind animals during their journey, such as the goose that helped them cross the river and the owl that guided them out of the forest. These encounters taught them the importance of kindness and helping each other.

    Wisdom: The owl that helped Puffy and Coco find the right path in the forest was very wise and knew the forest well. This encounter taught them the importance of wisdom and knowledge.

    Cunning: The fox that helped Puffy and Coco protect themselves from the snake was very cunning and came up with a plan to drive away the snake. This encounter taught them the importance of cunning and creativity.

    Generosity: The squirrels that Puffy and Coco met were always busy collecting food for the winter, but they still found time to show the two friends how to find food in the forest. This encounter taught them the importance of generosity and sharing.

    Trust: Puffy had to have a lot of trust in himself to convince the bear to share the cave with them. This encounter taught them the importance of trust in oneself and others.

    In summary, the lessons that Puffy and Coco learned from their animal friends were those of friendship, solidarity, kindness, wisdom, cunning, generosity, and trust. These lessons were important in helping the two friends overcome the difficulties they encountered during their journey and grow as individuals.

    Puffy and Coco were very grateful to their animal friends for the help they received during their journey. To show their gratitude, they did several things:

    They shared their food: When Puffy and Coco met the squirrels collecting food for the winter, they helped them collect nuts and shared the food they had with them.

    They offered their company: When Puffy and Coco met the bear living in the cave they found, they offered their company and friendship. The bear was initially suspicious, but eventually accepted and joined them in the cave.

    They expressed their gratitude: Puffy and

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