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Public view
Public view
Public view
E-book58 pagine7 minuti

Public view

Valutazione: 0 su 5 stelle


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Art book e documentazione della performance "Public View" di Hannes Egger presso "La Muga Caula" (Spain) 2014. Art book and documentation of "Public View" performance by Hannes Egger at "La Muga Caula" (Spain) 2014.
Data di uscita27 set 2016
Public view

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    Public view - Hannes Egger



    Hannes Egger

    I went on stage via a winding staircase, positioning myself in the centre of it. The audience sat in rows in front of me just like in a concert hall.

    I began to explain that artists have an important role and that curators are of great importance, too, and that without organizers, no festival or exhibition could ever take place and even art dealers and collectors make a valuable contribution to the arts. But there is another group of people which is of paramount importance, as many art works – especially performances – would not work without them. Yet this group is rarely acknowledged: the audience.

    On stage, I pointed out that the aim of this performance titled Public View is to focus

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