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Immoral Tales: English Edition
Immoral Tales: English Edition
Immoral Tales: English Edition
E-book72 pagine1 ora

Immoral Tales: English Edition

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These tales tell about human character and mental misery in which we are living.
The stories take place in China, Thailand, Russia or a small Italian town, but they could take place in every single place of the world.
They are stories that could happen to you, to your neighbour or to somebody you know.
They are stories about the explotation of child labor (The job); how people can be conditionable easily by other people (The bear in the woods); The mother’s courage that has to fight against her cancer and she has to ensure her son a future (Mouse); how children imitate adult’s behaviour (12); how your existence can be destroyed infront of the tragedy (The whole universe); or how some people sacrifice who loves them for their own business (The Queen of Bangkok).
These are just some of the tales in the book.
Data di uscita9 gen 2018
Immoral Tales: English Edition

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    Immoral Tales - Alan Sabella

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