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Omeopatia per il raffreddore
Omeopatia per il raffreddore
Omeopatia per il raffreddore
E-book63 pagine37 minuti

Omeopatia per il raffreddore

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Il raffreddore è un male fastidioso, ma può essere trattato bene con rimedi omeopatici. I bambini, in particolare, sono molto grati, per gli approcci terapeutici naturali. Con l'aiuto di adeguati rimedi omeopatici, l'organismo viene sostenuto nei suoi poteri di autoguarigione, invece di combattere i sintomi dell'influenza, come avviene nella medicina tradizionale con antidolorifici, antipiretici e antibiotici. In questo libro troverete tutto ciò che vi serve, per il trattamento di raffreddori e sintomi influenzali come febbre, rinite, tosse e mal di gola: una selezione dei più importanti rimedi omeopatici, sali di Schüssler e semplici rimedi casalinghi.

Data di uscita23 feb 2023
Omeopatia per il raffreddore

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    Omeopatia per il raffreddore - Dr. Johannes Schön


    Omeopatia per il raffreddore | Dr. Johannes Schön | Traduzione di Stefania Schenetti

    Omeopatia per il raffreddore

    Dr. Johannes Schön


    Traduzione di Stefania Schenetti 

    Omeopatia per il raffreddore

    Autore Dr. Johannes Schön

    Copyright © 2023 Dr. Johannes Schön

    Tutti i diritti riservati

    Distribuito da Babelcube, Inc.

    Traduzione di Stefania Schenetti

    Progetto di copertina © 2023 Dr. Johannes Schön

    Babelcube Books e Babelcube sono marchi registrati Babelcube Inc.

    Homeopathy for Colds..........................................................4


    Homeopathy for Colds

    Treat fevers, sniffles, coughs, and sore throats the  natural way


    Hundreds of various common cold viruses can lead to flu-like infections among weakened immune systems, which are typically recognized as coughs and sneezes. These viruses are transmitted either by tiny droplets, coughing and sneezing, or direct contact (door handles, handshakes, etc.). If these viruses enter the mouth or air passages, bacteria can settle on the compromised mucus membranes, resulting in additional secondary diseases such as sinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear, or bronchitis.

    The actual flu (influenza) must be differentiated from the typical flu infection. Influenza is accompanied by an acute infection of the respiratory tract, which is often associated with a high fever and an acute feeling of malaise. As long as no complications arise, symptoms subside in less than a week. However, elderly individuals as well as patients with compromised immune systems or respiratory diseases are at risk for cardiovascular complications, pneumonia, as well as sinusitis, while children are susceptible to middle ear infections, subglottic laryngitis, and severe shortness of breath.

    Influenza viruses continuously change their surface structure in such a way that existing antibodies in the organism can no longer protect them. This phenomenon explains the emergence of new flu epidemics and the concerns of health authorities regarding worldwide epidemics (pandemics). In any case, the pharmaceutical industry stood to benefit, earning billions from the sale of flu vaccines and retroviral drugs. Nonetheless, flu vaccines did not actually eradicate the disease, since the virus’ surface structure is ever-changing. What’s more, many patients indicate months of mild flu-like symptoms even after being vaccinated, which is not exactly an endorsement in favor of the vaccination.

    Previously approved drugs for influenza are only effective for the actual flu and can only alleviate the disease's progression when taken within the initial days of the onset of a high fever.

    Antibiotics are ineffective against viruses and are only able to function as an emergency brake at best for severe secondary bacterial infections. Antibiotics not only weaken the human body but also the immune system and then block the organism’s defense mechanisms. Antibiotics also destroy intestinal flora - and 70% of the immune system is located in the intestine! An intact bacterial flora is vital to one’s health. This healthy bacterial composition can become agitated by antibiotics in the intestine, as well as the vagina, which often causes vaginal yeast infections. Antibiotics are indeed beneficial in combating severe infections and for reducing fevers in individuals with a predisposition to febrile convulsions. Yet if antibiotics are taken for every occurrence of flu infections, they lose their effectiveness since on the one hand, the bacteria increasingly develop

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