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Manual for Team Leaders, Teams and their talents. Team-CARE Assessment
Manual for Team Leaders, Teams and their talents. Team-CARE Assessment
Manual for Team Leaders, Teams and their talents. Team-CARE Assessment
E-book125 pagine56 minuti

Manual for Team Leaders, Teams and their talents. Team-CARE Assessment

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This Manual is for those who use or want to use the Team-CARE Assessment. Those who wish to acquire, manage, and value the talents of team leaders and team members. Those who work in or for a team want to make it work. This document is for anyone committed to the team who wants to contribute and add value to their daily work. Particularly for managers, leaders, coaches, mentors, and those working in Human Resources. For those who believe that the human capital of a team is worth much more than individuals and their cost if the team works. How do we make the team work well? You need to take care of it! That's why Team-CARE. No people are talents in themselves, but each has talents and skills to make available or at the service of others. It's about discovering them, inspiring them, giving them the proper role, and valuing them in the team to win together. Let's find out how! If you have a problem at work, you may not need to change the people you work with. It would help if you changed how you see them, motivate them, manage them, and value them. If you have weaknesses, you can try to improve them, but sometimes it's better to leverage each other's strengths and work together. If you're a striker, play with a goalkeeper instead of forcing yourself to play as a goalkeeper.
Data di uscita8 mar 2024
Manual for Team Leaders, Teams and their talents. Team-CARE Assessment

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    Manual for Team Leaders, Teams and their talents. Team-CARE Assessment - Marco Laganà


    What would happen if you valued your team's competencies? The working environment would thus be motivating and productive.

    The 4 phases of the team coach's intervention:

    Phase 1: Team Coach diagnostic activities. WHY and WHO?

    Measuring and analyzing to understand WHY to intervene and prioritize with WHOM to intervene: which team and team leader are among the different possibilities?

    During this preparatory phase, the team coach tries to understand with the team leader and the client (e.g. HR) which teams are on which to intervene first with the survey. This analysis is helpful for a company or a department with several teams. At this stage, it is essential to have points of reference that are as objective as possible to understand if the intervention is motivated and, above all, for which team it is a priority. Once you have identified the teams or teams on which a team coach intervention is helpful, it is crucial to define the objectives of the intervention (why) and understand if the team is ready for the coaching activity. In this preliminary phase, it can become crucial to use a team assessment tool to measure, through surveys, the perception of the functioning of the team by the team and by the team leader, as well as the perception by the team regarding the role played and the condition of the team leader. The former is the subject of this Manual.

    Phase 2: The Team Coach takes action to observe, understand, and prioritize WHERE to intervene: what are areas of intervention. In this phase, there is an agreement between the team coach, the client, and the team leader (or their manager) on the objectives, how they will be measured, and in what timeframe, thanks also to the Team CARE Assessment. A one-on-one meeting with some or all the team members is possible and sometimes desirable.

    Step 3 Team Coaching: WHAT to do concretely? In this phase, the team coaching activity takes place, encouraging reflection among all team members through dialogue and, if necessary, with individual coaching sessions.

    Phase 4: Evaluation of the results. Measure and analyze to understand WHY the team coaching intervention was helpful and for WHO it was. The ongoing verification also helps to know if the team and the team leader are becoming more aware of the objectives they have set themselves, which may change over time. In the end, a more objective tool, such as the Team CARE assessment, is recommended to measure and benchmark where and how much team members' perceptions have changed.

    Chapter 1. The tools and actions of the Team Coach in the Team-CARE model


    Phase 1: Team Coach Diagnostics Activities. WHY and WHO?

    Measure and analyze to prioritize with WHOM to intervene: which teams and team leaders?

    There is an innovative Team assessment tool based on the Team CARE model. The team assessment, owned by the Author and therefore used on a restricted basis, is called Team CARE.

    The Team CARE team assessment can be proposed to company HR functions or department heads to which several team leaders report (the respective leadership team). It measures the following aspects: a) the team's perception of the functioning of its team and the condition of the team leader; b) the team leader's perception of the functioning of the team and their condition as a team leader; c) the comparison with other teams and team leaders belonging to the same group or to the entire population that participated in the team

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