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From the theorist Physics to Physics
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From the theorist Physics to Physics
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From the theorist Physics to Physics
E-book31 pagine25 minuti

From the theorist Physics to Physics

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The Physics and the Astronomy are important from centuries: the mathematical discoveries by great scientists of the past make these two relevant today. Beginning from the birth of the microphysics, that is the statistical mechanics associated to the physics of great radiations (in fact, Thomson discovered the electron in the 1897) on have the aim to reach the discover of the existence of a compact atomic nucleus, with positive charge. For one of these raisons the microphysics constitutes a problem of first order in the logics of the nuclear physics for the condensed matter and the atomic theories, for that the optical microscopy traits mainly the sources of the optical refractions in correspondence of bright signals and events, through the attraction of electrostatic charges, negative or neuter charges.
Data di uscita7 ott 2022
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From the theorist Physics to Physics

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