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AGER - The gates of time on the human body: Exploring time reflexology
AGER - The gates of time on the human body: Exploring time reflexology
AGER - The gates of time on the human body: Exploring time reflexology
E-book41 pagine27 minuti

AGER - The gates of time on the human body: Exploring time reflexology

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AGER is a system that allows first to identify and then to recall the unresolved experiences of an individual, which are finally processed thanks to integration with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and TAI (Inner Alchemy Techniques). It is based on the union between the discoveries of Dr. Vincenzo Di Spazio, a holistic physician, and those of Andrea Fredi, author and trainer in the field of inner development. The theoretical complex that supports AGER is solid and widely tested in time (the spinal chronogram is a discovery of 1996) and is fascinating, as it integrates Chrono-reflexology with Energy Techniques, Psychogeneaology and Family Constellations. On the skin, in line with the vertebrae, each individual has "time receptors", which preserve the memory of particularly intense and not "digested" events. By knocking, through a slight stimulation, at these "doors of time" it is possible to bring out the unresolved emotional sequences, favoring their completion and consequently inner peace. An additional level of practice consists in exploring trans-generational events, then returning them to the points on the column. The surprising discovery is that one finds evidence of experiences that do not belong directly to the life of an individual, but refer to the unresolved experiences of an ancestor. The practice of AGER therefore invites you to explore life in connection with that of your ancestors, bringing to light buried identities that influence thoughts, emotions and choices. This is the first publication about AGER in English.
Data di uscita27 gen 2023
AGER - The gates of time on the human body: Exploring time reflexology

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    AGER - The gates of time on the human body - Andrea Fredi


    - Have you ever wondered why a symptom, or an accident, happened exactly THAT day/week/year?

    - Would you like to have a map that orientates you in TIME?

    - What would you do, if you discover that you can access repressed painful memories, in order to release them?

    - What if you could identify your common problems and find out that some of them are linked to past experiences, often of your ancestors?

    - Which kind of life would you live, if you could release the burden of your ancestor’s pain?

    - And, which kind of future would you give in the hands of your children and nephews, if you could lighten their genealogic database as well?

    You will soon receive answers.

    It’s the entire body that thinks so it’s the entire body that keeps the memories. Man is TIME somatized, the mind is TIME that has awareness of itself.

    Alberto G. Biuso

    (Philosopher of the mind)

    Memories are not recorded in the brain, but in a sort of information field, that you can access through the brain.

    Rupert Sheldrake,

    The presence of the past


    I first heard about psycho-genealogy in 2005, during the conference The body remembers in which I participated as an expert speaker of EFT. There was proposed the integration between Energy Techniques, the method of Dr. Giuseppe Calligaris and that of Dr. Vincenzo Di Spazio, holistic physician and discoverer of the spinal chronogram.

    Although the two researchers belong to very different eras (Calligaris was born in 1876, Di Spazio in 1962), I immediately noticed a common trait: the genius of their discoveries and the tendency of the masses to ignore them, if not even to denigrate them. The fact that you are reading these words makes me happy, because I know that the matter is difficult and requires careful reflection. Moreover, certain knowledge is intrinsically esoteric and arouses disinterest in the masses; probably it must be so.

    In 2007 I held the first seminar of integrated techniques together with Dr. Di Spazio, and since then the method we devised has first taken the name of AGEFT, and finally its final name: AGER. Its meaning is Age Gate Energy (or Emotional) Release, or Energy Release through the Gates of Time. It allows to identify and activate a

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