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Fumando una sigaretta
Fumando una sigaretta
Fumando una sigaretta
E-book149 pagine2 ore

Fumando una sigaretta

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Emotion prevails over reason and common sense in the years of the Nazi occupation of Italy as well as in our own day. Stefano, a soldier, Brando, a historian: two lives so far away from each other and yet so similar as to the individual choices having a tragic bearing upon them. A love-and-war novel that in the time span of a cigarette’s smoke shows itself to be a story of human contradictions.

Data di uscita28 lug 2010
Fumando una sigaretta

Riccardo Maffey

RICCARDO MAFFEY, a member of the British Chartered Institute of Journalists, was educated at the London Institute of World Affairs and at the University of Essex, where he gained an MA. He has been a London correspondent and foreign editor with several Italian daily newspapers. He was senior economics editor with the United States Information Service in Rome, worked as a feature writer, commentator and presenter for the BBC Italian Section, and did a lot of broadcasting and interviewing for the Italian Swiss Radio from London, Rome, Dublin, Belfast, and the US. Riccardo Maffey has published The Sand Against the Wind, Gioco a somma zero (in Italian), Diana Mosley venere del fascismo (in Italian), Dud Cheque, Harassment, Fumando una sigaretta (in Italian), Janus’ Limbo, and Il limbo di Giano (in Italian). An Italian-born British citizen, he lives with his wife, Laura, in England.

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