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My name was Susan Forbes
My name was Susan Forbes
My name was Susan Forbes
E-book45 pagine28 minuti

My name was Susan Forbes

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Crawley (Crow Valley) - England, 1847 "My name was Susan Forbes, and I was seventeen years old the day I committed suicide by hanging myself from a large branch of the oak tree in the family cemetery. Was I to blame? Not at all, because to love is not a crime." Susan is only seventeen. Susan has just one fault. She fell in love with Nicolas Wells, the young priest of her town, Crawley (Crow Valley). A clandestine love that will bring them to death and that Susan will tell in the sad pages of her diary. A paranormal tale, with gothic and romantic shades.
Data di uscita9 nov 2016
My name was Susan Forbes

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    My name was Susan Forbes - Rosalba Vangelista



    My name was Susan Forbes


    My name was Susan Forbes

    Rosalba Vangelista

    Cover by Tatiana Sabina Meloni

    Translation by Annarita Tranfici

    Editing and Proofreading by Laura Davey

    ISBN: 9788892635982

    Youcanprint Self-Publishing

    All names, places and events in this book are drawn from the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


    Nunc Pluvia Placet


    He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.

    Revelation 21:4


    Crawley (Crow Valley)

           England, 1847

    My name was Susan Forbes, and I was seventeen years old the day I committed suicide by hanging myself from a large branch of the oak tree in the family cemetery. 

    Was I to blame?

    Not at all, because to love is not a crime. 

    Or so I believed, at least, until my family killed the man that I loved and the child I was carrying, tying me like an animal to the headboard of my big, wrought-iron bed.

    I still feel the pain and humiliation that I suffered in that moment, even now, in this place.

    Here, in limbo, there is no sound, no light. 

    It’s like floating in a void. 

    I can see the fog that envelops me… a dense, cold fog that tastes of sin. 

    Sin like the one that Nicolas and I committed, sin like the one that my family committed, sin that I myself committed, ending the life of a girl who believed that love was something sacred and wonderful. 

    It was on that wretched bed, still covered in my own blood, having received the news of Nicolas’ murder, that I made my agonising and desperate decision. 

    I recall and still hear the terrifying sound of my innocent, young neck snapping like dry wood, tight against the thick rope that I tied to the oak tree where I used to go and play as a child. 

    The very same tree that used to make me feel safe had become my grave, my cruel and ruthless executioner. 

    It’s cold here where I am, I don’t know how long I have been in this place, whether it’s been

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