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Neapolitan legends: stories and urban legends
Neapolitan legends: stories and urban legends
Neapolitan legends: stories and urban legends
E-book56 pagine34 minuti

Neapolitan legends: stories and urban legends

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Stories and urban legends heard by young and young people on the streets of Naples
short stories, almost telegraphic
Data di uscita14 dic 2017
Neapolitan legends: stories and urban legends

Leggi altro di Carlo Battimelli

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    Neapolitan legends - carlo battimelli


    stories and urban legends


    carlo battimelli

    Biography Who I am? How to define a person who is dedicated to writing to express oneself, others and others events that shaped it in a sort of self-analysis? I formed myself as a self-taught person, writing in the language spoken with dialectal and slang forms, ignoring the stylistic construction. It is considered a Primitive, even if someone would say naive. I love to write mainly in Neapolitan and aims to affirm itself, its existence as person. Born in Naples in 1946 on May 13, I began to I work as a gas station at the age of 13, in 1968 I am transferred to Milan where I lived until 1971. I currently live in Pianoro (Bologna.) I love to write, paint and deal with politics. I have never had time to make my passions a craft They like provocation as a means of knowledge. His interlocutors ... end up becoming him friends. In italics as someone described me reading i my verses and my things"

    Stories and urban legends heard by young and young people on the streets of Naples

    short stories, almost telegraphic


    The Siren

    Naples 1974 Villa Comunale

    Franco and his wife were doing the usual evening walk along the avenues of the villa comunale

    there were almost all evenings in summer

    took one, a tram that starting from the cemetery in Poggioreale traversava all over the city from the periphery where precisely and located the cemetery ,downtown passing through piazza Garibaldi, where c is the central station ,and runs along the port

    S' enchanted all times from the beauty of the bay and all times avoided to watch the high-rise section on their right ,that bare still evident signs of the last war

    I know,past thirty years is still this disgusting…and people there is also home…

    sentences have become for them a refrain in the evening

    just tram arrived near Piazza Vittoria fell,for Do not miss the whole promenade in villa, also because they are only at the beginning there were street vendors selling drinks at a good price

    The scialè ,opened by little,were too expensive for them

    that evening,as always stood to sit on the steps of the aquarium

    for them was the place more fresh whole Villa Comunale.

    S was done late,strangely against their habits that evening had decided to take it easy,enjoy the coolness until late night;for the return they would take a taxi

    Carmè I go to take another beer and two taralli…facimmo feast tonight

    he had almost eighty years old and his wife was traveling toward the seventy-five.

    Suddenly a lamentation mixed with weeping attracted their attention.

    Behind a bush,close to the entrance of the

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