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Una Città: Racconto breve
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Una Città: Racconto breve
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Una Città: Racconto breve
E-book11 pagine6 minuti

Una Città: Racconto breve

Valutazione: 0 su 5 stelle


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Info su questo ebook

Una lettura di dieci minuti per un rapido sguardo; la descrizione fugace di un ambiente cittadino. Una città inventata che potrebbe essere mille città reali. Un invito senza pretese a fermarsi a osservare e considerare la vacuità dei nuovi tempi.

EditoreLuca Rossi
Data di uscita23 nov 2018
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Una Città: Racconto breve

Luca Rossi

Research, science, science fiction and high technology: this is the world of Luca Rossi, and the main themes that run through his literary work. He believes the internet provides a tool to bring people together and make the world a more open, fair and democratic place. In 2013 he published Galactic Energies, a collection of short stories set in a universe where not just the laws of physics, but also the laws of eros, passion, desire and the spirit are a little different than our own. He was born in Turin on April 15th, 1977. He likes to ride his bike, take walks through nature and spend most of his free time with his family.

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