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Melodie ebraiche
Melodie ebraiche
Melodie ebraiche
E-book43 pagine21 minuti

Melodie ebraiche

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Melodie ebraiche was written in the year 1837 by George Gordon Byron. This book is one of the most popular novels of George Gordon Byron, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.

This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.

Data di uscita7 lug 2015
Melodie ebraiche

George Gordon Byron

George Gordon Byron (1788-1824), also known as Lord Byron, was a London-born politician and poet who contributed to the Romantic Movement. He was the son of Captain John Gordon and a wealthy Scottish heiress, Catherine Gordon. Gordon was educated at Trinity College but was more interested in the social scene than his studies. Despite his ambivalence, Gordon was a prolific writer with an affinity for politics. He published his first volume of poetry, Hours of Idleness in 1807 and subsequently joined the House of Lords in 1809. Despite his untimely passing at 36, Gordon led a short but accomplished life.

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    Melodie ebraiche - George Gordon Byron

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