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Autobiografia di Alice Toklas
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Autobiografia di Alice Toklas
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Autobiografia di Alice Toklas
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Autobiografia di Alice Toklas

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Quando Ford Madox Ford era direttore del «Transatlantic», disse una volta a Gertrude Stein: – Io sono un discreto scrittore, un discreto direttore e un discreto uomo d’affari, ma mi riesce molto difficile di essere le tre cose in una volta.
E io sono una discreta donna di casa, una discreta giardiniera, una discreta cucitrice, una discreta segretaria, una discreta editrice, una discreta balia per cani, e debbo attendere a tutte queste cose in una volta: mi riesce perciò difficile essere per soprammercato una discreta scrittrice.
Saranno sei settimane fa, Gertrude Stein mi dice: – Non mi sembra che abbiate nessuna intenzione di scrivere quell’autobiografia. Sapete quel che faccio? La scriverò per voi. La scriverò cosí semplicemente come Defoe scrisse l’autobiografia di Robinson Crusoe –. E cosí fece. Ed è questa.
Data di uscita13 ott 2022
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Autobiografia di Alice Toklas

Gertrude Stein

Gertrude Stein (1874-1946) was an American novelist and poet. Born in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, Stein was raised in an upper-middle-class Jewish family alongside four siblings. After a brief move to Vienna and Paris, the Steins settled in Oakland, California in 1878, where Stein would spend her formative years. In 1892, following the loss of her mother and father, Stein moved with her sister to live with family in Baltimore, where she was exposed to salon culture. From 1893 to 1897 she attended Radcliffe College, studying psychology under William James. Conducting experiments on the phenomenon of normal motor automatism, Stein produced early examples of steam of consciousness or automatic writing, a hallmark of the Modernist style later practiced by Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, and William Faulkner. In 1897, she enrolled at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine on the recommendation of James, but ultimately left before completing her degree. She moved to Paris with her brother Leo, an artist, in 1903. In the French capital, the Steins gained a reputation as art collectors, purchasing works by Picasso, Matisse, Gauguin, Cézanne, and Renoir. At 27 rue de Fleurus, Stein hosted an influential salon for such artists and intellectuals as Ernest Hemingway, Ezra Pound, and F. Scott Fitzgerald, who recognized her as a leading Modernist and central figure of the so-called Lost Generation. Her influential works include Three Lives (1909), Tender Buttons (1912), and The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas (1933), all of which exemplify her control over vastly different styles of poetry and prose. Capable of producing experimental, hermetic works that draw attention to the constructed nature of language, Stein also excelled with straightforward narratives, essays, and biographical descriptions. From 1907 until her death, Stein and her life partner Alice B. Toklas gained a reputation as leaders in the international avant-garde, and remain essential to our understanding of the development of twentieth century art and culture.

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