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Morte nel bosco / Death in the Woods
Morte nel bosco / Death in the Woods
Morte nel bosco / Death in the Woods
E-book43 pagine48 minuti

Morte nel bosco / Death in the Woods

Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle



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Info su questo ebook

Bilingual edition. First italian edition.

Una vecchia storia che riaffiora dagli anni della gioventù. Una passato che persiste e non cessa di tormentare, nemmeno a distanza di una vita. E che esige di essere raccontato ancora una volta. Perché nonostante tutto “una cosa così completa ha una sua bellezza”.

An old story that emerges from the years of youth. A past that persists and continues to harass, even at a distance of a lifetime. And that demands to be told again. Because after all, "a thing so complete, end in itself, has its own beauty."
Data di uscita31 ott 2014
Morte nel bosco / Death in the Woods

Sherwood Anderson

Sherwood Anderson (1876-1941) was an American businessman and writer of short stories and novels. Born in Ohio, Anderson was self-educated and became, by his early thirties, a successful salesman and business owner. Within a decade, however, Anderson suffered what was described as a nervous breakdown and fled his seemingly picture-perfect life for the city of Chicago, where he had lived for a time in his twenties. In doing so, he left behind a wife and three children, but embarked upon a writing career that would win him acclaim as one of the finest American writers of the early-twentieth century.

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Narrativa letteraria per voi

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    Morte nel bosco / Death in the Woods - Sherwood Anderson

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