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Sono tornati i Braccialetti Rossi
Sono tornati i Braccialetti Rossi
Sono tornati i Braccialetti Rossi
E-book104 pagine1 ora

Sono tornati i Braccialetti Rossi

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The Braccialetti Rossi phenomenon has found a place in a book of the singer Mimmo Parisi, "Sono tornati i Braccialetti Rossi". The figures that move between the pages of the book all have their own first name. However, the balance in the story, they, for fun and passion, will give the already famous names in the television series game following an intuition of the Spanish writer Albert Espinosa. As in fiction, in this case, in "the Red Bangles are back", the main characters are a group of kids hospitalized for various reasons, which make friends and establish their group for courage each other.

Data di uscita4 feb 2017
Sono tornati i Braccialetti Rossi

Mimmo Parisi

Mimmo ParisiHe is a writer and songwriter. As a novelist he has published The son of the dragon (2018), The star of Geq (2019),Ti voglio bene come nei film (2019), Nemmeno il tempo di un abbraccio (2020).CUS BolognaAcademy of Fine Arts of BolognaBologna, Emilia Romagna, Italy

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    Sono tornati i Braccialetti Rossi - Mimmo Parisi

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