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Nuove volute di versi: Poesia e musica nella commedia greca di V e IV sec. a.C
Nuove volute di versi: Poesia e musica nella commedia greca di V e IV sec. a.C
Nuove volute di versi: Poesia e musica nella commedia greca di V e IV sec. a.C
E-book289 pagine8 ore

Nuove volute di versi: Poesia e musica nella commedia greca di V e IV sec. a.C

Valutazione: 0 su 5 stelle


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The contributions collected in this volume deal with the relation between Comedy and Music, in the Greek sense of "art of the Muses". The volume offers an investigation on the metres and rhythms of poetic texts, on dance, on sociological aspects, on the psychagogical function of music itself, on the perceptions and theories that are transmitted to us from ancient sources. In the various essays a central role is played by Aristophanes, playwright and an expert music critic, animated by a negative prejudice towards the 'New Music', the poetic-musical revolution that influenced the dithyramb and the nomos, and then also the lyric sections of the tragedy.
Data di uscita7 mar 2022
Nuove volute di versi: Poesia e musica nella commedia greca di V e IV sec. a.C

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