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Nelle liriche del poeta irlandese William Butler Yeats, premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 1923, le idee mistico-filosofiche s’incarnano in immagini e si svolgono in ritmi indimenticabili, l’autore per questo è considerato non solo una delle figure di maggior spicco nella poesia inglese del XX° secolo, ma, in assoluto, uno dei maggiori poeti di lingua inglese. Yeats assimilò nella sua poesia tutto quanto era possibile assimilare, tutti gli spunti, i motivi, le invenzioni, le tradizioni che si offrivano alla sua epoca e riuscì a fondere tutti questi elementi in un linguaggio del tutto personale, potente e affascinante.
Data di uscita26 mar 2014

William Butler Yeats

W.B. Yeats (1865-1939) was an Irish poet. Born in Sandymount, Yeats was raised between Sligo, England, and Dublin by John Butler Yeats, a prominent painter, and Susan Mary Pollexfen, the daughter of a wealthy merchant family. He began writing poetry around the age of seventeen, influenced by the Romantics and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, but soon turned to Irish folklore and the mystical writings of William Blake for inspiration. As a young man he joined and founded several occult societies, including the Dublin Hermetic Order and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, participating in séances and rituals as well as acting as a recruiter. While these interests continued throughout Yeats’ life, the poet dedicated much of his middle years to the struggle for Irish independence. In 1904, alongside John Millington Synge, Florence Farr, the Fay brothers, and Annie Horniman, Yeats founded the Abbey Theatre in Dublin, which opened with his play Cathleen ni Houlihan and Lady Gregory’s Spreading the News and remains Ireland’s premier venue for the dramatic arts to this day. Although he was an Irish Nationalist, and despite his work toward establishing a distinctly Irish movement in the arts, Yeats—as is evident in his poem “Easter, 1916”—struggled to identify his idealism with the sectarian violence that emerged with the Easter Rising in 1916. Following the establishment of the Irish Free State in 1922, however, Yeats was appointed to the role of Senator and served two terms in the position. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1923, and continued to write and publish poetry, philosophical and occult writings, and plays until his death in 1939.

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    Poesie - William Butler Yeats


    William Butler Yeats

    In copertina: Francesco Albotto, Paesaggio con rovine classiche, 1750

    © 2014 REA Edizioni

    Via S. Agostino 15

    67100 L’Aquila

    Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Questo ebook è protetto dalle leggi sul diritto d’autore e ne è vietata la copia e la riproduzione in qualsiasi forma senza il consenso scritto dell’Editore.


    Da Scorciatoie – 1889


    Da La Rosa – 1893

    L’isola del lago d’Innisfree

    Affanno d’amore

    Gli uccelli bianchi

    A uno con cui parlavo accanto al fuoco

    Da Il vento fra le canne – 1899

    Invita l’amata alla tranquillità

    Racconta d’una valle piena d’innamorati

    Da Il casco verde e altre poesie – 1910

    Avvento della saggezza col tempo

    Da Responsabilità – 1914

    I magi

    Da I cigni selvatici a Coole – 1919

    I cigni selvatici a Coole

    La bellezza vivente

    A una giovinetta

    Sogni infranti

    Da Morte di singora

    I – Sua cortesia

    II – Certi artisti le portano bambole e disegni

    III – Ella volge al muro le facce delle bambole

    IV – La fine della giornata

    V – Suo coraggio

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