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Oltre Le Barriere
Oltre Le Barriere
Oltre Le Barriere
E-book48 pagine41 minuti

Oltre Le Barriere

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63 carte collezionabili di Magic L'Adunanza© divise in nove gruppi di sette carte. Nove storie i cui personaggi sembrano simili alle fiabe tradizionali e allo stesso tempo appaiono diversi dalla nostra realtà letteraria. No

Data di uscita28 feb 2017
Oltre Le Barriere

Trevor P. Kwain

"I Love Wimbledon, History and the Absurd"Trevor P. Kwain is a child of the Eighties. He belongs to the video generation and multi-media lifestyle that is slowly degenerating speech and text of today. Yet, he is no knight in shiny armour to defend the old way of writing. He simply wants to bridge the written word with the dormant imagination in people's minds. An eclectic mind may find the third way, the third alternative, in a bi-dimensional reality torn between yesterday and tomorrow.Trevor P. Kwain currently lives in London.

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    Oltre Le Barriere - Trevor P. Kwain

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