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Great Food Combos
Great Food Combos
Great Food Combos
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Great Food Combos

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Ci sono molti fattori che influenzano la dieta di una singola persona, dalle influenze culturali e religiose allo stile di vita .Il cibo che mangi influenzerà il modo in cui il tuo corpo elabora quel cibo ed è il fattore principale che determina se perdi peso, rimani allo stesso peso attuale o aumenti di peso. Ci sono molte diete diverse, piani alimentari e prodotti consigliati da mangiare e bere sul mercato che possono influire sul peso, sulla salute e sul benessere di una persona. Molti di noi credono che tutta la cellulite scomparirà quando perdiamo peso, ma sfortunatamente è più complessa di così.C'è una ricerca limitata disponibile per determinare la causa esatta della cellulite e quindi una mancanza di comprensione nella riduzione e nel trattamento.Sembra che i principali fattori che contribuiscono alla cellulite siano fattori strutturali legati al tessuto connettivo e alla composizione del tessuto adiposo. Una volta che sviluppiamo nuove cellule adipose, non possiamo effettivamente sbarazzarcene, ma possiamo ridurne le dimensioni.

Con così tante diete e programmi tra cui scegliere, abbiamo compilato una guida sulle diete più popolari disponibili e anche su quelle non così comuni.
Data di uscita4 dic 2020
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    Great Food Combos - Rita Miller



    There are many factors that influence an individual person’s diet, including everything from cultural and religious influences to lifestyle and medical influences.

    The food you eat will influence how your body processes that food, and is the primary factor that determines whether you lose weight, stay at the same current weight or gain weight. And there are many different diets, eating plans and recommended products to eat and drink on the market that can impact a person’s weight, health and wellbeing. Many of us believe all cellulite will disappear when we lose weight, but unfortunately it's more complex than this.

    There is limited research available to determine the exact cause of cellulite and therefore a lack of understanding in reduction and treatment.

    It seems the major factors contributing to cellulite are structural factors related to the connective tissue and fat tissue make-up. Once we develop new fat cells we can't actually get rid of them, but we can reduce their size.

    With so many diets and programs to choose from, we have compiled a guide on the most popular diets available, and some of the not-so-common ones as well.

    Diabetes has been an increasing worry over the years for many people, and millions have been diagnosed with the condition. With a newfound knowledge of this chronic disease, it can be hard to know what foods should be eaten to avoid diabetes symptoms and worsening the condition.

    The Diabetic Diet aims to help manage the condition and the symptoms associated. Meals must be eaten regularly and spread out across the span of the day. The diet is also lower in fat, in particular lower in saturated fats. In order to lower the consumption of saturated fats, choose reduced or low-fat milk and dairy products, trim off fat from meat products, remove the skin from poultry and avoid using butter, cream and sour cream (as well as other high in saturated fat creams).

    Limiting sweets and cakes will also help, as well as reducing the amount of pre-packaged foods and meals, snacks and biscuits.

    Many people in recent years have started to show a resistance to gluten in their diet, which is known as Coeliac disease. Not much research was done in the past as to how gluten can be tolerated by the body. However, today there seems to be an increase of people not being able to digest gluten well, causing upset stomach and other gastrointestinal upsets, fatigue, lethargy, bone and joint pains and even skin rashes. Other symptoms may also appear, depending on an individual’s reaction to gluten.

    Gluten is found in wheat-based foods and products. Many gluten-free products have arrived in stores and are easily accessible, and some opt for gluten-free versions of their favourite foods and meals, while others remove gluten altogether. Veganism is sometimes seen as a strict vegetarian. Veganism is a type of vegetarian diet, however no animal products and by-products are consumed at all. The diet consists of fruit and vegetables, breads, cereals, grains, legumes, soy products, nuts and seeds.

    Veganism prohibits any kind of animal product, so meat is strictly off limits as well as eggs, milk, dairy, animal fats and honey. Vegans often need to ensure all ingredients in packaged meals are vegan friendly, as many additives can be animal derived, such as gelatine.

    Like any other vegetarian type diet, it is best to understand what food groups are eaten and not eaten, what nutrients may be lacking, and how to counteract any such deficiencies.

    Chapter 01: Plank Diet

    What it is, how it works and examples of menu

    The Plank diet is a diet that promises tolose 9 kg in 15 days.It is a high-proteindietpacked into an inflexible menu that must be respected to the letter.

    Diet Plankis a diet followed by many people, especially in the US, which promises tolose 9 kg in two weeks, as long as you follow the letter of the proposed menu, consisting of just 3 meals a day (so no snacks to cheer up!).The characteristic ofthe Plank dietis to be structured in an extremely rigid way, with aweekly menu that must be repeated for 2 weeksand includes a high-protein, low-calorie diet, rich in meat, fish and eggs plus other foods, always based on proteins. .At the end of the 2 weeks there is nomaintenancephase On the contrary, it is assured that the lost weight will not be regained for 3 years.

    The origins ofthe Plank dietare unknown: no one has been able to trace the real inventor.It seems to have taken its name fromMax Planck, a German physicist who invented the quantum theory, but obviously there are no relationships of any kind between the body and the diet.

    Plank diet: allowed and forbidden foods

    General characteristics

    In this diet the following are banned:

    • sugar

    • alcohol

    • carbonated drinks (including water).

    On theother hand, caffeineis being used immoderately.

    • no food can be substituted for another

    • Thevegetable fatsare non-existent, while those animals (meatandfish), are extremely abundant

    No reference is made to portions and weights of food.There is also no motor physical activityprogram tobe associated with the diet.Indeed, given the great caloric restriction, intense physical activityis not recommended.

    This diet aims to change the metabolismby burning excess fat thus promoting weight loss.

    In other words, this diet forces the body to activate only the protein metabolismto consume energy and induce fast weight loss.

    So it is true that the pounds drop, as promised, but this diet risks excessively straining the liver and kidneys.

    Once the diet is over, which does not include any maintenance phase, the metabolism slows down and may no longer be able to burn the necessary calories, causing the opposite effect to the one promised: a rapid recovery of the lost pounds with the classic yo effect -yo.

    The characteristic of this diet is that it is high-protein: the quantities ofmeat, fish and eggsincluded in the menu are important.However, these foods, in addition to being high-protein, are also rich incholesterol, which at high doses can createcardiovascularproblems.

    In the Plank diet,the indications are to drinkwaterfrequently and as much as possible (evenover 2 liters per day) to counteract protein excess (a mild attempt to keep our kidneys healthy!).

    Chapter 02:

    Models used for Plank Diet

    ThePlank (or Planck)diet is a high-protein ,suddenweight loss strategy, whichapparently has a name thatcan be traced back to the scientist Marx Planck.

    The Plank diet is a weight loss system to be used only for 2 weeks, after which you should end a weight loss of about9 kilograms.After these 14 days, theweightshould remain constantfor about 3 years, thanks to the metabolic changes imposed on the body.

    How does it work

    We now come to the big question: How does the Plank diet work?

    The Plank diet could be called a lightning diet, which is an ultra-fastweight loss technique.

    We reiterate also that it is a diet high in protein, which then makes a number ofproteinssignificantly higher thanthe recommendations(of any country) for a healthyand proper nutrition.

    The Plank dietdrastically reduces(and sometimes eliminates) somefoodsfrom the ordinary menu (such as sugarand oil).Furthermore, no reference is made to the portions and weights of thefoodschosen.Finally, does notit expectedany protocol motor physical activityassociated with diet.


    Plank Diet Example

    Below we will summarize a typical menu, i.e. the original version, of the Plank diet.

    It is a draft available on the website of the system in question, which is why, for the purposes of greater transparency, I invite all readers to consult it to confirm the truthfulness and updating of what will be exposed.Without distinction between: sex, age, morphological type, constitution, initialBM Ior weight, the following menu is suggested:

    * QB = How Much Enough

    • Some ancillary indications are: drinkwater frequently and as much as possible (even over 2 liters per day) to counteract protein excess (attempt to safeguard kidney health).

    • The diet should be followed with fidelity at least from the eighth day onwards.


    Does the Plank diet work?

    Like all high-protein diets - in one way or another, low-calorie - even the Plank diet certainly makes you lose weight;since it is a diet for weight loss, this is certainly not an unexpected result.

    Most practitioners of the Plank diet have achieved a positive result, but it would be more important to understand if this corresponds to the goal of the Plank diet: -9kg in 14 days and no weight gain for the next 3 years.

    Obviously, any (conscientious) usershould not report any comments (if not negative, for anyweight gainbefore age 3) until the application time expires.For most, that's not the case.

    With a nutritionallybalanceddietit is not possible (it would not be considered as such) to lose more than 700-1000 g per week, therefore 1.4-2.0 kg in 14 days;however, this prediction is calculated on the relationship between: estimate of anthropometric characteristics,overallenergy expenditureandcalorie intakeof the diet (the latter should not correspond to less than 70% of therealenergy requirement).What can you say, despite being a slower (but also less stressful) method, it guesses the progression of weight loss with remarkable precision and, barring complications, leaves no unknowns.

    By continuing to analyze what users have written, it is already possible to observe some complaints about the retention potential;among other things, we must always keep in mind that not everyone has the foresight to communicate their negative experiences and that, alas, the non-complianceto the diet is often perceived as a personal failure , which dramatically reduces the possibility of public comments negatives.

    The Plank diet promises: no maintenance phase at the end of the diet, but it is then suggested to avoid alcohol and sugars (presumably simple discretionary ones, such assucrose), and to limitcarbohydrates(even if we remember that even simple sugars are carbohydrates; this clarification is not clear).

    The so-called aggressiveness of the Plank diet is to be understood as drasticity or incisiveness;whatever word is used to define it, it should discourage the most zealous consumers to use it;on the other hand it seems to tempt those who, in order to lose a size, would endanger their health.

    Contraindications and Side Effects

    Is the Plank Diet Bad?

    With regard to this last statement it is necessary to clarify.In itself, assuming perfect health (especially liver and kidneys ) and a level of physical activity that is no more than moderate, a14-day high- protein dietshould n'tbe harmful to the body.However, it is necessary to keep in mind that it will be necessary to deal with: constant tendency to hypoglycemia , ketoacidosis and dehydration, nutritional deficiency of many mineral salts and vitamins , lack of dietary fiber , hunger etc.Often, these circumstances result in: cramps, weakness,asthenia,sleepdisturbance etc.

    It must also keep in mind that Plank diet, being rich in animal ingredients, might tend to raise levels of cholesterol in the blood .It goes without saying that an excess of the latter is linked to the onset of atherosclerosis , which is why the Plank diet is to be considered unsuitable for people already predisposed to hypercholesterolemia .Severe diabetics , people with kidney or liver disease , hyperuricaemic (or gouty), growing subjects, pregnant should also avoid the Plank diet.and feed us .

    ThePlank Diet: developed in alow-calorieand high-proteinregime, it is a diet that, followed to the letter for two weeks, allows you tolose 9 kg.

    The menu is based only on some elements and is very restrictive, it could therefore be very difficult to follow it to the letter;moreover, precisely because it is very unbalanced from a dietary point of view, it is particularly risky for health, it is recommended to follow it under the supervision and after the approval of a dietician, otherwise a more balanced weight loss diet is recommended that allows the intake of more varied foods.

    Plank diet: the menu to lose 9 kg in 2 weeks

    The Plank Diet promises areally importantweight loss, mainly caused by the acceleration of the metabolism which will tend to burn more fat.Below we offer you an example of an original menu of the Plank Diet for a week.


    • Breakfast: coffee without sugar;

    • Lunch: two hard-boiled eggs and spinach (slightly salty);

    • Dinner: Grilled (large) steak or two beef steaks, accompanied by a side of lettuce and celery salad.


    • Breakfast: coffee without sugar and a small sandwich;

    • Lunch: large steak, salad and fruit of your choice;

    • Dinner: Cooked ham (desired quantity).


    • Breakfast: coffee without sugar and a small sandwich;

    • Lunch: two hard boiled eggs, salad and tomatoes;

    • Dinner: cooked ham and salad.


    • Breakfast: coffee without sugar and a small sandwich;

    • Lunch: a boiled egg, carrots (raw or boiled), Swiss cheese;

    • Dinner: fruit of your choice and low-fat yogurt.


    • Breakfast: coffee without sugar and carrots topped with lemon;

    • Lunch: steamed fish and tomatoes;

    • Dinner: steak and salad.


    • Breakfast: coffee without sugar and a small sandwich;

    • Lunch: grilled chicken;

    • Dinner: two boiled eggs, carrots.


    • Breakfast: tea with lemon juice;

    • Lunch: grilled steak, fruit (to taste);

    • Dinner: meal of your choice.

    As mentioned, the Plank Diet is very restrictive and highly protein, it should not be repeated for more than two weeks.

    The example foresees only the first week and the menu will be repeated also in the following week.It is essential to drink 2 liters of water a day and avoid alcoholic and carbonated drinks and any added sugar.

    In addition to the original menu, we also find the variant of the modified Plank Diet , less restrictive but equally effective, and the Plank Diet for maintaining weight loss.

    As mentioned before, this is a diet to be followed for two weeks (no more).

    Theproposed menu must therefore be repeated twice, without making mistakes and is not very flexible.However, some variations are allowed, as not everyone is able to adhere to this type of diet in its original version.

    There are some rules to follow:

    - fruit should be eaten in a quantity of 150-200 g and is optional (except grapes and bananas, which are prohibited) • The Plank diet consists of an aggressive food program , which minimizes all the substances we normally take with meals, except for proteins.

    • To counteract the effect of this protein concentration on the kidneys, the

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