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Sopravvissuto - The Martian
Sopravvissuto - The Martian
Sopravvissuto - The Martian
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Sopravvissuto - The Martian

Valutazione: 4.5 su 5 stelle



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Da questo romanzo il grande film della Twentieth Century Fox SOPRAVVISSUTO - THE MARTIAN

Mark Watney è stato uno dei primi astronauti a mettere piede su Marte. Ma il momento di gloria è durato troppo poco. Un’improvvisa tempesta lo ha quasi ucciso e i suoi compagni di spedizione, credendolo morto, hanno abbandonato il pianeta rosso per fare ritorno sulla Terra. Mark si ritrova completamente solo su un pianeta inospitale e non ha nessuna possibilità di mandare un segnale alla base. E in ogni caso i viveri non basterebbero fino all’arrivo di una nuova spedizione. Nonostante tutto, con grande risolutezza Mark decide di tentare il possibile per sopravvivere. Ricorrendo alle sue conoscenze scientifiche e a una gran dose di ottimismo e tenacia, decide di affrontare un problema dopo l’altro senza perdersi d’animo. Fino a quando gli ostacoli si faranno insormontabili…

Il bestseller tradotto in tutto il mondo da cui è stato tratto l’omonimo film per la Twentieth Century Fox
1 milione di copie solo negli USA

«Ogni atto del protagonista è logico e dettagliatamente spiegato, è questo il segreto del successo del romanzo di Andy Weir.»
la Repubblica

«Una descrizione tra le migliori su come potrebbe davvero essere la vita su Marte.»

«Una lettura obbligatoria.»
La Domenica de Il Sole 24 ore

«Un esordio straordinario. Una storia avvincente che appassionerà non solo i lettori di fantascienza.» 
Publishers Weekly

«La storia di un coraggioso Robinson Crusoe del ventunesimo secolo su Marte. Avvincente.»

(Questo romanzo è stato precedentemente pubblicato con il titolo L'uomo di Marte)
Andy Weir
Ha iniziato a lavorare come programmatore in un laboratorio all’età di 15 anni e da allora ha sempre lavorato come ingegnere del software. Appassionato di ingegneria aerospaziale, fisica relativistica, meccanica orbitale, storia dell’esplorazione spaziale. Sopravvissuto. The martian è il suo primo romanzo.
Data di uscita15 lug 2014
Sopravvissuto - The Martian

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Valutazione: 4.290480185012042 su 5 stelle

7.059 valutazioni596 recensioni

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  • Valutazione: 3 su 5 stelle
    It was ok. Reads more like a checklist with some twists than a novel. All characters stick to their roles, there's no development for anyone. The action is engaging as long as you skim through any paragraph containing numbers. Weird changes in perspective are jarring. Still, a pretty decent light read for vacation.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    What a ride!! Bravo, Mr. Weir!!! I had so much fun reading this book. A few times I had to let the math and science go right over my head, but most of it I (mostly) understood because Weir wrote it so wonderfully. And the suspense! I was clutching my chest near the end, with my husband across the room chuckling at me.

    Yes, I heard Matt Damon's voice in my head the whole time :)

    This book gets a well-deserved 5 stars and ALL the superlatives I can think of.
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle
    Very fun best-selling technical science fiction. The Kindle version has maps, but I recommend that you go to and print a great map of Mars.
  • Valutazione: 2 su 5 stelle
    I was absolutely sure i would love this book, abandoned engineer on mars fighting for survival and all that. But it just didn't work for me, just a series of 'oh gigantic problem' -> 'i will solve this with ingenious idea X'. It reminded me of a thought experiment like 'you are to be dropped off in the desert and you can take 5 things with you, what will it be?' converted into a book. Well, maybe i will like the movie.... oh wait, Matt Damon?
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle
    Sci-fi mixed with humor is all kinds of YES!
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    Between the snarky humor of the main character, and the fact that this is a very rare science fiction based in actual science book, I'm predisposed to like it very well. The story was engaging, with good pacing to keep me interested throughout. The classic "man against nature" plot takes on new immediacy when the man is pitted against the unforgiving nature of the Martian surroundings. Highly recommended.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    Really enjoyable, 4.5 stars but I'm going 5 rather than 4 as it was impressively cheap. if I'd paid full price for this I wouldn't have been disappointed, and I'm certain this one will stick in my mind for some time, as it was different - I read a Lt of SciFi but is never read this general idea. great characters, well explained science bits (not dull like science explanations can sometimes be) and I was engaged and interested the whole way through. Lovely.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    An enjoyable read. I thought the use of the diary format was well suited for the telling of this yarn.
  • Valutazione: 3 su 5 stelle
    The first half was excellent -- drama, pacing, and character motivations were all superb. However, the second half was tedious and predicable. The movie works better as it is faster paced.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    If you're a nerd like me, you'll love this book. Well written with a wry sense of humor at times, this book will keep you on the edge of your seat. Heavy on the science but entertaining.
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle
    I'd seen the movie ages ago, but this was my first audiobook and listened to with my partner on walks and up island trips. Wil Wheaton did a terrific job, he really got us into the story right away, even though we already knew most of the story beats. Super compelling, maybe gets into the weeds a bit too much and I liked the movie ending more, but it's gripping the entire way.
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle
    A bit overloaded with technical details for me, and characterization points were at times left hanging, but a compelling survival story. Some irritating language quirks (see: "ghetto" multiple times as a synonym for dubious, shoddy, or improvised construction).
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    sci-fi/space adventure! I generally stay away from the sci-fi genre, but this has received so many good reviews (lots of human drama, even as sole inhabitant of Mars, and scientifically accurate to boot), and turns out to be readable--more than readable, its a page turner (finished in 3 evenings).
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle
    Very detailed description of being stranded on Mars and survival. I love Mark Watney. He is smart, funny and sarcastic. We learn Duct Tape should be worshiped.
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle
    I really enjoyed this book. My only complaint was that there was too much science, hence 4 stars. I think it could've benefited from a good editor, who might've cut out some of the science. FYI, it was self-published, so I applaud Andy, and it makes an excellent movie, too. Escapism! I need more of that in fiction and movies.
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle
    Even if you watched the movie before it´s amazingly adddictive and also pretty funny. Sometimes maybe a bit to much of chemistry if you are not into that still lots of fun and very enjoyable. Also the story behind Andy Weir writing a blockbuster out of nothing is super interesting.
  • Valutazione: 3 su 5 stelle
    it was alright, it ended one chapter before it should, it made me laugh quite a few times and kept me entertained, Mark's humor was good when he was alone, but it felt really forced when he was interacting with other people.

    i didnt hated it, but i didnt love it either
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    This book was hard to put down, and left me sad it was over. Mark Watney's character is charming and funny. I laughed audibly many times in this book. I did also listen to the audiobook reading by Matt Damon which brought further life to the book. Alone with every reason to be depressed, Watney finds ways to be optimistic, stay humorous, and create great solutions to the challenges he faced. I would definitely recommend this book if you're looking for an uplifting and encouraging story.
  • Valutazione: 3 su 5 stelle
    It's well written, funny and original. So why only three stars. I never took Physics or Chemistry so I couldn't follow the main character's enterprise and I got bored with the problem, solution, problem over and over.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    Very thrilling. Author managed to cram lots of science without lots of boring. Feels like Castaway on space, but the multiple POVs made it much more dynamic.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    You probably want to read this book.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    One of the most interesting and gripping reads that I have come across in the last few years. Totally enjoyed the story and loved the narrative device to use the ships log as the main way to drive the story.

    Highly recommended!
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    It was awesome and I had a hard time putting it down. Easy to read, always engaging, funny at at times, serious at others. Just when you thought everything was going right something (unexpected) went wrong. I hope this is what life on Mars really is like (sort of). Thanks to Ryan for lending me this book and recommending it.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    This was a book to have read BEFORE the movie. Because of that I tended to skim a lot.Have the audio book so will listen to it much later.
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle
    This was great! It’s a nice thrill ride with something around every corner. It really encourages you to binge-read. The humor and science of the book are great, important elements—they keep it from getting too over dramatic or self-serious.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    I really enjoyed this tale of a man left for dead on the surface of Mars and his struggle to survive on planet where survival is only possible through technology designed for a finite (ie. short) time of use. The story is very realistic and is told with laugh-out-loud tongue in cheek humor. Warning: the main character frequently uses graphic language to express delight, frustration, and amazement.
  • Valutazione: 3 su 5 stelle
    I was pretty much hooked when I heard the premise - astronaut left behind on Mars - and even more so in the opening pages when it becomes clear that our hero, Mark Watney, is like a Space MacGyver when it comes to surviving alone on the red planet. And he's funny too. Weir's book is a quick read, if not entirely engrossing throughout at least entirely accurate in its suppositions.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    One of my favorite books. I love the nerdiness, and the characters, and the perspective of space travel as a given value in the American experience.
  • Valutazione: 1 su 5 stelle
    Poorly written, with lame characters and bad science fleshing out the over-used "competent survivor" story. It saddens me that this is being sold as "hard SF"; the science here is pretty weak when not clearly wrong. Apparently Weir doesn't know how to use google for things like "wind on Mars". The biology & chemistry are pretty hilariously wrong as well.

    And that's without touching the characters or authorial choices. Ugh.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    Action Science!

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Sopravvissuto - The Martian - Andy Weir

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